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Mental Fitness: The Missing Link for Wellness‍

Guest Blog by Emily John

Mental fitness matters. Mental fitness is an important part of physical wellness, and there are many different ways to improve it. Often overlooked in the quest for a fit body, mental fitness has been shown to have as much of an impact on our quality of life as the way we look.

According to research published by the American Psychological Association, mental fitness involves having control over your thoughts, feelings and actions so that you are able to deal with stressors in your life without letting them take control or affect your behaviour negatively. With this in mind, let’s take a look at five ways to improve your mental fitness that aren’t just about getting into shape but about keeping in shape.


Exercising is a key part of physical health, and it’s also beneficial for mental fitness. As well as helping you lose weight and become stronger and fitter, exercise has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, improve self-esteem an even improve your creativity.

It’s important to find a type of exercise that you enjoy, so that you’re more likely to keep doing it, best dermatologists also recommends it. It doesn’t have to be strenuous or stressful; even going for a walk or gardening can have a positive effect.

If you can, try to build exercise into your day, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going for a walk at lunchtime or doing some gardening at home in the evening.

Eat Healthy

Eating a balanced diet is important for physical health and for mental fitness. While mental fitness is not about eating a particular diet, it is about eating a balanced and healthy diet that suits your lifestyle and nutritional needs. This means making sure you have a wide range of different foods in your diet, including fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, fish, and foods high in protein, like eggs and beans.

It also means cutting back on refined sugar and alcohol, and avoiding too much saturated fat, salt, and red meat. Not only will this help you stay healthy and avoid disease, it will give you the energy and strength needed to keep up with your daily activities and stressors and have the energy you need to keep up with your daily activities and stressors.


Meditation is about much more than clearing your mind or being mindful. It’s about actively training your mind to focus on what is happening in the present moment and nothing else. Being able to switch off from stressors in your daily life can make a huge difference to your mental state. It can also be used to help you fall asleep or to deal with insomnia and sleeping disorders.

Some people find it easier to meditate if they have some background noise, like the sound of running water or birds singing. Others prefer complete silence. There are many different types of meditation, like mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, yoga nidra, and centering prayer. Find out which one suits you best and make time to meditate each day.

Talk to a Therapist

If you’re struggling with a mental health problem like anxiety or depression, seeing a therapist can help you identify and work on your issues. Therapy can be short-term, lasting only a few sessions, or longer-term, lasting several months or even years.

Therapy can be done on your own or in a group, and you can choose between a number of different types, including cognitive behavioural therapy and psychodynamic therapy. If you’re worried about the cost, there are plenty of options for people without health insurance or with a limited budget.

Even if you don’t have an existing mental health issue, talking to a therapist can help you work on self-awareness and understanding your own emotions and thoughts, which can improve your mental fitness.

Develop Good Relationships

Although this might seem like a very general piece of advice, building strong relationships with people in your life can have a huge impact on your mental fitness.

Whether you have a few good friends or a big family, being part of a supportive network of people can help you deal with the ups and downs in life. They can also help you improve your mental fitness by providing you with an outlet to talk about your problems.

Research shows that talking about your problems can help you resolve them and feel better, so a close friend or family member is the perfect person to discuss your issues with.


Mental fitness is an important part of well-being that can be improved in many different ways. It’s important to make time for the things that will help you keep your mental fitness level high, like regular exercise and a balanced diet. There are many different ways to maintain a good mental fitness level, including meditation, talking to a therapist, and building good relationships with friends and family members.